A "Star Chamber" functions in secrecy. Turn on the light
of public scrutiny and the rats are scared back to their
hole for fear they will be seen for what they truly are.
A "Star Chamber" functions in secrecy. Turn on the light
of public scrutiny and the rats are scared back to their
hole for fear they will be seen for what they truly are.
as i sit back and watch the pedophilia scandal unfold, it occurs to me that someone connected to the watchtower got it right - they prophesied what we are seeing.
my friend jim penton in "apocalypse delayed" wrote about the impact of "brain drain" on the organization.
no organization can afford to continually lose its brightest members, yet that is exactly what the wts has done for years.. what is the price of this constant "dumbing down"?
I promise to proof read and spell check in the future .
as i sit back and watch the pedophilia scandal unfold, it occurs to me that someone connected to the watchtower got it right - they prophesied what we are seeing.
my friend jim penton in "apocalypse delayed" wrote about the impact of "brain drain" on the organization.
no organization can afford to continually lose its brightest members, yet that is exactly what the wts has done for years.. what is the price of this constant "dumbing down"?
As I sit back and watch the pedophilia scandal unfold, it occurs to me that someone connected to the Watchtower got it right - they prophesied what we are seeing. Who? My friend Jim Penton in "Apocalypse Delayed" wrote about the impact of "Brain Drain" on the organization. No organization can afford to continually lose its brightest members, yet that is exactly what the WTS has done for years.
What is the price of this constant "dumbing down"? It has to be the inability to effectively evaluate and respond to crisis. The pedophilia scandal is a very good example. Take a look at how poorly the WTS has handled the situation. It is a snowball hurling down the slope completely out of control at this point and practically every thing they do or say escalates the situation! To quote Dr. Phil: "they couldn't be any dumber if someone cut off their head." I think Alan F. likened them to "Gog of Magog" with hooks in their jaws being dragged exactly to a point where they don't want to go - almost enough to make some of us rethink the role that God might play in human affairs.
It is an amazing thing to behold - the ship is on fire and listing.
My prediction:
Probabilities favor the WTS losing thousands and thousands of members over this issue - 1975 could pale by comparison. Some very serious reforms could come out of this debacle. I find myself wondering whether this is the time to reach out to some of the JWs I know.
For those who like me are still in good standing, it would be very simple to say something like:
"I've never spoke to you about why I've put some distance between myself
and the organization. If you would like to know, watch the Dateline
program on the 28th. If will give you an opportunity to see some of the
things that go on behind the scenes that I could not support."
I'm not recommending that anyone do this, but can you imagine the backlash if all of the former elders who've done "the fade" made a dozen phone calls? Maybe its time to make a collective statement. Just a thought - I suppose it could backfire too. What do you think - I'd like to know.
this was printed in june 2000 as far as i can make out.
what do you make of it?.
Though widely unknown to the average JW, members are no longer disfellowshipped
for unrepentently accepting a blood transfusion. Rather, they are viewed as having
unilaterally "disassociated" themselves from the congreation. I have a letter addressed
to HLC committees that bears this out.
i just finished watching the wts new video - "transfusion alternative health care".
this is very sophisticated propaganda and a real piece of work.
the organization is trying to equate "blood conservation therapy" with their own irrational blood policy.
I just finished watching the WTS new video - "Transfusion Alternative Health Care". This is very sophisticated propaganda and a real piece of work. The organization is trying to equate "blood conservation therapy" with their own irrational blood policy. One major difference is that "blood conservation medicine has the safety net of life saving blood transfusions when necessary. The WTS blood policy has a safety net full of holes, thus many JWs exsanguinate or are forced to discontinue their chemotherapy or simply pass on crucially needed surgery when transfusion alternatives are exhausted or not available.
It's not clear whether this video targets JWs or physicians but its slick and professional. They spin matters to make it appear they have the high ground ethically! However, many physicians and practically all medical ethicists, have a good grasp of the issues following the extensive series of articles published in the "Journal of Medical Ethics."
The video focuses almost exclusively on elective surgery with only a brief mention of trauma and no mention hematological disorders. These are the big killers in the JW community. There is quite a bit of time spent discussing EPO, cell salvage, volume expanders, and other techniques to reduce blood loss. Discussion of the importance of pre-operative care is positive. JW patients, congregation elders and physicians need to see the necessity of not allowing JWs, especially the elderly, to become anemic in the first place. Since much of the surgery that is performed is elective, it is a simple matter to treat the anemia with iron, EPO, etc ahead of time. The video encourages older JWs to accept use of cell salvage - also a positive.
As we would expect, there is no mention of the controversy surrounding the WTS partial ban on blood. No mention of HemoPure or PolyHeme which are both being used by JWs in facilities where these products are being evaluated in FDA trials. Also, there is no mention of those JWs who feel coerced into supporting WT polices on blood products that make no sense to them.
Clearly, WT officials have some fight left in them on this issue. The recent situation in Canada with the 16-year old with Leukemia also demonstrates that. The video could be a useful piece of evidence for WTS lawyers to introduce in future wrongful death cases in order to demonstrate that the organization did in fact sincerely believe in its blood policy.
I see nothing here that alters my basic view of what is taking place inside the WTS with the blood issue. It is being systematically disassembled at a snails pace to protect corporate assets. The next hurdle will be trying to convince the rank and file JW that a transfusion of HemoPure or PolyHeme is not a blood transfusion but rather an "oxygen therapeutic" or something to that effect.
This, in my view, is nothing short of deception and demonstrates gross disregard for the lives of those JWs who are right now refusing medically necessary transfusion of red cells. Red cells are nothing more than tiny donut shaped bags of hemoglobin. If a JW can accept hemoglobin (HemoPure or PolyHeme), they should be able to accept red cells. It is insanity - pure and simple.
a life worth living is a life with meaning.
as former or inactive jws most of us struggle with this at various points in our lives.
this is especially true if we become "non-theists".
A life worth living is a life with meaning. As former or inactive JWs most of us struggle with this at various points in our lives. This is especially true if we become "non-theists". Here is something that has helped me - perhaps it will help you:
"For more than 30 years, the Paradoxical Commandments have circled the globe, featured in speeches and articles (See the latest New York Times Article), and passed from friend to friend. They have been preached from pulpits, put on refrigerator doors, and shared extensively on the web. They have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world."
The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith
1.People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
2.If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
3.If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
4.The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
5.Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
6.The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down
by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
7.People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway
8.What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
9.People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
10.Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
ok, here's how it is.. i just finished reading the "dead" thread.
now, listen.
i do not believe in life after death.
I know plenty of people who seem pretty happy as JWs - I was one of them!
If you don't have children, tow the line, don't think critically about things, etc.
you can have a decent existence as a JW.
I don't know anyone, however, who once informed about the inner workings of the
"Tower" that has been able to go back and fit in. Even dub elders are trained
in their "Kingdom Ministry Schools" to be very cautious about reinstating anyone
DF or DA for apostasy.
Each of us have our own unique situation so you have to do what is best for
you. I would never criticize you for trying to get reinstated. I know others who
have done this simply to normalize relations with their JW family members -
then proceeded to do the "fade."
It is all well and good to climb on one's soap box when you learn the truth about
"the truth", but all would be well advised to carefully consider the implications
for themselves and their family members.
Building a support network of non-JW friends and mastering "the fade" will
generally produce the best long term result for those with JW family members.
Good luck Cygnus,
we have received a request from the jw father in alberta canada for assistance from an ajwrb member in the calgary area - his email is below the body of this message.
if you are in the area and can make yourself available on short notice, please contact us immediately.. thank you,.
lee elder.
We have received a request from the JW father in Alberta Canada for assistance from an AJWRB member in the Calgary area - his email is below the body of this message. If you are in the area and can make yourself available on short notice, please contact us immediately.
Thank you,
Lee Elder
Thanks for the article from the Medical Journal. If the WTS wins the Appeal they will loose no time in transferring her out of province to somewhere so she can refuse treatment, before Child Welfare can appeal the decision. I may have only a few hours to try and speak with my family. It would be helpful to know I could call on someone at a moments notice to come with me to the hospital to try and explain to them why it is permitted by Jehovah to accept a blood transfusion in order to continue living. If that person wishes, they don't have to give their last name
my first reason is the fact that i was being controlled through the jw social structure, and having to fight to do anything....even whether to wear a tie or not.
the preoccupation with appearance was so debilitating; that was all i was ever concerned with.
and, as i'm not attractive, good in sports, or a conformist, i had very few friends.
I hate the fact that they brainwash the children into refusing necessary medical care and are perfectly willing to sacrifice these kids while they grapple with a timetable for disassembling their monstrous teachings on blood.
i would just like to thank everyone for the excellent posts that have appeared here on this site.
i esp would like to thank simon for making this possible.
i sincerely believe that the "net thang" will continue to play a role in helping jw who are sincerely searching for a confirmation that all their doubts and wondering over the years was not the result of them being spiritually weak.
Best wishes to you and your wife. Your contribution has been
outstanding. I hope our paths cross some day.
Warmest regards,